Hack android application and defence

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Hack Android application and defence

Content Provider IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Author Xudong Wu Xin Li
Copyright Year 2013
Description Author affiliation: Coll. of Policing Inf. Eng., People's Public Security Univ. of China, Beijing, China (Xin Li) || Key Lab. of Inf. Network Security, Minist. of Public Security, People's Republic of China, Shanghai, China (Xudong Wu)
Abstract Now Android is the most popular smart device's operating system, at the same time the attacks aimed at Android increases very fast. The security problem is more and more important for Android and the researchers pay more attention to Android's security. This paper analysis the character of Android application file and its load and execute process, then based on the analysis provide two methods to hack Android application: static method and dynamic method. Using this two kinds of method can successful hack Android's application whatever the application is running or not. At last we discuss how to detect and prevent this kind of attacks.
Starting Page 676
Ending Page 680
File Size 214356
Page Count 5
File Format PDF
ISBN 9781479905614
DOI 10.1109/ICCSNT.2013.6967202
Language English
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)
Publisher Date 2013-10-12
Publisher Place China
Access Restriction Subscribed
Rights Holder Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)
Subject Keyword Computer hacking Application hack Humanoid robots Libraries Mobile security Androids Smart phones Android Apk file
Content Type Text
Learning Resource Type Article
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