Free Ballot Paper Templates for Board Elections in Associations

Here you can download free ballot paper templates for your association’s election. The structure of ballot papers can vary from election to election, so these templates should be individually adjusted according to the requirements of your association’s electoral code or bylaws.

Ballot paper templates for candidate elections

The ballot for candidate elections consists of a list of candidates accompanied by corresponding boxes in which voters can indicate their choices. When using the first-past-the-post system, the candidate with the most number of votes wins the election – even if they receive less than 50% of the total vote. Members can cast one vote per candidate and have as many votes as open positions in the election. For example, if the new board of directors consists of four new positions the voter has four votes.

Free ballot templates to download for your association’s elections:
Ballot template for a candidate election with more than one candidate (PDF)

If you have just one candidate standing for election you’ll need a different ballot:
Ballot template for a candidate election with one candidate (PDF)

Ballot paper templates for party list elections

In some organizations, the board of directors is elected through an election list. This means that eligible voters cast their votes for an entire list with the same number of candidates as positions on the board. Each list represents a particular group or party. Board elections have two variations:

Download our free ballot paper template your next election:
Ballot paper template for list elections (PDF)

POLYAS Tip: Our online voting system creates tailored ballot papers to meet your association’s specific needs. We simplify the process of creating ballot papers for every type of election. Get started with digital ballot papers >

Advantages of online ballots

If you create your ballot papers digitally with the POLYAS online voting system, you already have helpful ballot papers templates at hand which can be adjusted according to your needs.

Add your candidates and further information with a few clicks and your ballots are ready to go. Upload your electoral roll and let your members know they can cast their votes online from anywhere in the world. Take a look at this short video explaining how our online voting system works!

Online voting saves time and money. Ballots aren’t physically created, packed and sent out to your members individually. Instead, voters receive their log-in credentials by email and vote online in just a few mouse clicks. Learn about all functions in our POLYAS online voting support center >
